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 Post subject: What to bring to the track
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:21 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:27 pm
Posts: 3474
Current TrackWhore(s):
Bike/Plate #: 369
Required means minimum to ride. Suggested is what I believe is a better alternative or worthy addition. Much of this falls under the “Doh” factor but one never does know…



One piece leather suit or two piece leather suit with a full circumference zipper or textile suit
Gauntlet gloves (gloves that go over the wrists)
Over the ankle boots
Full face helmet (modular “full face” or flip-up style helmets are not allowed). Helmet must be DOT, SNELL or EU equivalent approved.


Skip any idea of a textile suit – leather is your friend
Racing style motorcycle specific boots
Back protector (not the foam POS that comes with most jackets)
Chest armor
Pucks in good condition
Armored shorts/pants under the suit/pants
Under suit or Under Armor type wicking shirt
Clear and Smoked shields for your helmet

Personal information:


ID (Driver’s license)
Signed waiver form (NESBA)


Someone in your pit should have your emergency contact info and be aware of any medical conditions you may have
Money to buy lunch, photos, etc.

None of the following items are “required” but you should have them:

5 gallon gas can (full – don’t assume the track will sell gas - and you will burn a lot more than regular riding)
Rear stand (front stand is a plus)
Basic tools required to work on your bike – never “assume” someone else will have what you need
Any bike specific tools unique to your motorcycle (particularly tools required to remove your front and rear wheel)
Service manual for your bike (not your owner’s manual, it’s worthless)
Racing tape (duct tape)
Zip ties
Electrical tape
Loc-Tite (blue)
Tire pump
Tire gauge (good one)
Brake Fluid
Windex or the like
Microfiber cloths
Paper towels and/or rags
Medium to large cooler
Some type of canopy (Easy Up)
Folding chair(s)
Water, Gatoraid, etc. – lots of it, more than you think you need.
Candy/Energy bars
Canyon Dancer or similar
Ratchet straps
Any medicine, etc. you require
Pen and paper


Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς

www.WickedRacing.com - Go Fast Parts & Gear for Riders and Their Motorcycles
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 Post subject: Re: What to bring to the track
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:52 pm 
Major 'Ho
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Joined: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:18 pm
Posts: 595
Current TrackWhore(s):
Bike/Plate #: 383
Water and or gatoraid, working the bike around the track for 20 is a work out
Cannopy to get out of the sun
Lunch not all org's provide this
Folding chair it is nice to sit and rest between sessions
Tire pressure guage
Ear Plugs
Tape (painters/electrical/duct)
Zip ties
Tools, Tools, Tools... don't assume someone will have what you need
Fan for hot summer days
Extension cords some tracks have power you can rent
Oil, brake fluid or any other fluids you might need


 Post subject: Re: What to bring to the track
 Post Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:02 am 
'Ho Proper
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Joined: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:22 am
Posts: 86
Location: Da northland. Yah.
Current TrackWhore(s):
Bike/Plate #: 914
Couple of other items I've found useful:

-Bicycle or pit bike in case you wind up being a long ways from the rest room or group if it's a structured learning trackday.

-Tire gauge should be a low pressure one that increments by one pound and typically only goes up to 50 pounds.

-Sunscreen and lotion to help prevent yourself from being sunburnt and lotion for in case you do. Also, lotion helps in case you have any bad chaffing from suit

-Generator for powering up your devices such as tire warmers, radios, etc. Buy one that's decent quality

-Bodyglide http://www.bodyglide.com Great for preventing chaffing in areas such as neck where the suit rubs a lot

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