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Team Pro-Motion 2012 Track Day Schedule
Page 1 of 1

Author:  madski [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Team Pro-Motion 2012 Track Day Schedule


Mar. 26, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Mar. 27, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt


Apr. 1, 2012 VIR South
Apr. 2, 2012 VIR North
Apr. 9, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Apr. 10, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Apr. 16, 2012 CMP
Apr. 17, 2012 CMP
Apr. 21, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Apr. 22, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Apr. 23, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Apr. 28, 2012 Beaverun
Apr. 29, 2012 Beaverun


May. 4, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
May. 5, 2012 NJMP Lightning
May. 6, 2012 NJMP Lightning
May. 11, 2012 SPR
May. 12, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
May. 17, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
May. 18, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
May. 21, 2012 VIR North
May. 22, 2012 VIR North
May. 25, 2012 SPR
May. 26, 2012 NJMP Lightning
May. 27, 2012 NJMP Lightning
May. 28, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt


Jun. 7, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jun. 9, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Jun. 10, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Jun. 17, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jun. 18, 2012 VIR North
Jun. 18, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jun. 19, 2012 VIR North
Jun. 23, 2012 Beaverun
Jun. 24, 2012 Beaverun


Jul. 2, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jul. 3, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jul. 7, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Jul. 8, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Jul. 14, 2012 CMP
Jul. 15, 2012 CMP
Jul. 17, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jul. 20, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jul. 21, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Jul. 30, 2012 NJMP Lightning


Aug. 4, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Aug. 5, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Aug. 6, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Aug. 9, 2012 VIR North
Aug. 10, 2012 VIR South
Aug. 16, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Aug. 18, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Aug. 19, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Aug. 25, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Aug. 26, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Aug. 31, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt


Sep. 3, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Sep. 16, 2012 VIR North
Sep. 17, 2012 VIR North
Sep. 22, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Sep. 23, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Sep. 24, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Sep. 29, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Sep. 30, 2012 NJMP Lightning


Oct. 13, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Oct. 14, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Oct. 15, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Oct. 20, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Oct. 21, 2012 Shenandoah Circuit
Oct. 23, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt
Oct. 28, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Oct. 29, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt


Nov. 10, 2012 NJMP Lightning
Nov. 11, 2012 NJMP Thunderbolt

Author:  bacolmm [ Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Pro-Motion 2012 Track Day Schedule

So $30 Membership = $215 trackdays and $80 Membership = $185 trackdays. I guess if you do 2 days or more the $80 membership is the way to go...

Author:  bacolmm [ Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Pro-Motion 2012 Track Day Schedule

Looks like TPM will be riding here March - November. It looks like it should be 1 hour less in windshield time than required to get to CMP. The layout looks like fun!!!

http://www.teampromotion.com/index.php/ ... 2012-03-17

Author:  madski [ Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Pro-Motion 2012 Track Day Schedule

Looks like a fun track - very symetrical though (not sure if that's a good or bad thing :) )

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